About the Journal

The mission of the JTCDR is to increase the dissemination of research findings by publishing technical papers and case studies related to the research and evaluation of traffic control devices. Papers submitted to the journal are intended to be written by practitioners and researchers for use by practitioners and researchers who are looking for evidence-based data to inform recommendations for changes in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

Technical Papers and Case Studies for consideration are expected to:
• Be Practical in nature (papers that are theoretical in nature are not considered within the scope of this journal)
• Be written with reasonable quality and clarity
• Be based on reasonably sound methods with conclusions that are supported by the data
• Advance the state-of-knowledge related to traffic control devices
• Provide considerations related to MUTCD recommendations (as appropriate)

Technical papers and case study submissions should relate to the design, placement, safety, operation, and/or maintenance of traffic control devices.

Practitioners and researchers are invited to submit technical papers and case studies. Technical papers are manuscripts that (a) reports on the specifics of a study or (b) presents a state-of-practice or synthesis of a relevant topic. Technical papers should include the following sections: Background, Purpose, Method, Results, Conclusions, and Recommendations for MUTCD Consideration. Technical papers should not exceed 15 single-spaced pages including references, figures, tables, and captions.

Case studies describe a method or application that illustrates a new or existing principle or presents an innovative solution to a problem. Case studies typically report about specific instances related to a relevant topic. Case studies should not exceed 7 single-spaced pages including references, figures, tables, and captions.

All papers will be reviewed by a minimum of 2 practitioner or research peers who are NCUTCD members. Final decisions for acceptance, revision, or rejection will be based on the reviews received and at the sole discretion of the Editor.

For consistency purposes, the following submission guidelines are provided:
• Review Files must be in a PDF file format
• Page size must be 8.5” x 11” with normal margins
• The content must be single spaced
• Font must be Times New Roman at 12 pt size
• Papers must be submitted in English
• Papers must include a title page with title, authors, email addresses, and affiliations. The title page is not included in the page count.
• Tables and figures should be incorporated in the document, near the text that discusses the item
• Page numbers must be included at the bottom center of each page
• References should be numbered and called out in numerical order in the text
• Papers must use a consistent reference style


Submissions may be made at any time.  It is currently anticipated that there will be two issues per year.