Field Evaluation of Full-Matrix Color Changeable Message Signs


  • Erin Kissner, M.S.
  • Bryan Katz, Ph.D., PE, PTOE, RSP2I
  • Steve Jackson, M.S.


traffic control device, changeable message signs, full-matrix, color, MUTCD, messages, font


As technology and capabilities in Changeable Message Signs (CMSs) have evolved, traffic engineers are now able to install electronic signs with high resolution and can closely mimic static traffic signs. The MUTCD allows for the use of electronic signs; however, there remains a need to understand the types of messages, font styles, and backgrounds that are most effective to communicate information. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through the Traffic Management Center (TMC) Pooled Fund Study (PFS) sponsored a project to develop recommendations for considerations related to the use of Color CMSs. This paper documents the field evaluation procedures and results portion of the project.  


